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Branch of knowledge: 07 Management and Administration
Specialty: 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities
Educational and professional program: Marketing activity
Educational and professional level: professional junior bachelor’s degree
Qualification: Sales Agent
Period of study: on the basis of 9 classes -3 years; based on 11 classes - 2 years
Specialty mission:

- study of customers' tastes and product promotion;

- research of products that will be in high demand;

- assessment of the market for certain goods and services;

- thorough monitoring of the industry, organization of work of interviewers, clarification of customer preferences;

- processing of information by means of special computer programs, forecasting and development of recommendations.

Career advancement:

- marketing assistant;

- marketing researcher, marketing analyst;

- Head of Department;

- Marketing Director.

Experience in marketing is invaluable: you will have a versatile knowledge of sales and business techniques. Due to the versatility and breadth of view, a marketer has a chance of becoming a company leader or starting his own business.

Today, marketers are needed in any firm that is interested in promoting and marketing their products. Marketing departments are in banks, industrial holdings, trading firms. Marketers are also in demand in specialized consulting companies that provide marketing research services.

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Graduates may work in the following positions:

- a trading agent;

- a trade representative;

- a commercial agent;

- a merchandiser;

- a delivery organizer;

- a sales organizer;

- an advertising representative.

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